Thursday 26 March 2015

Nutritionist and Homeopath appointments

Hi, everyone!

I am sorry I took so long to write this post. I have been struggling with migraine attacks and also with a strong cold. 

Anyways, I went to my nutritionist, Mag. Tina Gensthaler on the 9th February 2015.  We had a long talk and after patiently hearing all my complaints she told me to take the following vitamins and shake:


  • 1 pill of folic acid
  • 1 pill of multivitamin
  • 1 cup of the vanilla protein shake (blend 200 ml Milk + 1,5 table spoons of the shake - I also add some fruit to it, usually banana) after having breakfast.  


  • I always have a hot meal for lunch including vegetables, meet, pasta or rice. 
  • 1 cup of the vanilla protein shake (blend 200 ml Milk + 1,5 table spoons of the shake + banana) at the end of the meal.  


  • 1 pill of folic acid
  • 2 pills of magnesium
  • Another hot meal. (I like to have a soup accompanied by a nice piece of bread, followed usually by pasta). 


In between meals I try to have a snack and/or a fruit juice (I really dislike eating fruits, except for mango… so I try to make some nice juices from it). 

I am also to take twice a week Vitamin D in the morning.

Note: This protein shake is used for medical purposes. It is fabricated in Germany and it is supposed to be very good. It is also stated in the label to be taken before and after surgeries. I am not sure if it is sold internationally but if you don’t live in Germany or Austria and you are interested in purchasing it, you can contact my nutritionist, Mag. Tina Gensthaler ( Just mention my name/or blog and she will know what your request is about (No, I am again not being sponsored! Just genuinely trying to help!). I personally prefer this shake powder over those shakes sold at the gym because first, it is specifically made for medical purposes and secondly, I know I am getting a good product and getting my money's worth.

Mag. Gensthaler also does lymph drainage massage. She said, it would help to bring down the swelling on my face after the surgery but I need first to get a written authorisation from my surgeon. 

Now, let's write about my appointment with my homeopath, Dr. Daniela Cravos.

Like I said, I don’t like to get medicine or vitamins over the pharmacy counter because I don’t want to overdose anything. So I went to her clinic on the 11th of March 2015. We also had a talk that lasted almost a hour. She took notes of my medical history and made me hold this metal cylinder connected to a funny looking machine that would beep (either quietly or at a times, hysterically) every time she touched a "needle alike thing" on my finger. I truly have no clue how that machine works, but it somehow showed her what my body is in need of at the moment and what I will need to take in order to help recover from my surgery. 

  • Arnica montana D8
  • Cuprum metalicum D8
  • Belladonna D8
  • Tanacetum Vulg. D8
  • Iris Versicolor D8
  • Lithium Chloratum D8 aa ad 30ml

These homeopathic medicines were mixed together in a liquid solution. This will  definitely make easier for me to take it after the surgery. I started taking it immediately after I picked it up at the pharmacy and I am supposed to keep on taking it everyday for the next two months (10 drops mixed with water, once in the morning as soon as I wake up and once at night, right before going to bed). 

She also prescribed:

  • Arnica montana - DHU - D4 Globule 

I am supposed to take 10 little globules of it the night before my surgery and again after the surgery, 10 globules every day for 7 days. She said the globules melt in the mouth but I can always dissolve it in water and take it with the help of a syringe, if I prefer it. 

So, as you can imagine, I spend most of my time in the kitchen. So far I have not gained any weight because I have been sick for good 8 weeks but at least I have managed not to lose any further weight because of this cold, which for me is a pretty good achievement (when I am sick I tend to lose weight)

Now, if you are like me and struggle to put on weight, and if you are a homeopathic medicine believer too, I would sincerely advise you (if I may) to consult your own nutritionist and homeopath. Those homeopathic medicines and vitamins were selected according to my medical history. They will suit my needs but perhaps they will not be suitable to you. We are all different and our bodies have different needs. Your doctors will be the best people to tell you what your body is in need of, the right amount and the right kind of food you should eat or avoid, and, what kind of homeopathic medicines and vitamins you should take and the right dosage for you. If you live in Vienna and you don’t have yet a homeopath or a nutritionist of your own and you are interested in having a good one, I would HIGHLY recommend both Dr. Cravos and Mag. Tina Gensthaler. I will leave  a link to their contact details down below.

Especial Note: I know most people contact me via Facebook but please, feel free to leave comments or to ask questions here too. Your comments and questions can also be of help to me and to those reading this blog. Also, if this blog has been helpful to you, I kindly ask you to share its content on your social media network. Like so, you can help me reach other people in need of this kind of information. If you are a fellow jaw surgery blogger like me and you wish me to add your blog to my sidebar reading list, then please leave a comment with your blog's link, I  will be happy to follow your progress!

I sincerely thank you all with all my heart for taking the time to check out my blog and for all your good wishes! It means a lot to me! Thank you! :-)

Well, that's it for now. Today I had another orthodontic appointment and I will on the weekend write a post about the development of my treatment in the last months and post some more photos, including profile shots. 

Feel hugged by me! God bless you!


Dr. Daniela Cravos

Mag. Tina Gensthaler

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