Monday 30 March 2015

Ortho visits and (not the best) photos of me...

Hi, everyone!

I took a while to write this post because I wanted you to be able to compare the photos I took in the last months and see the difference in my teeth alignment from the time I had my braces put on (29th of September 2014) to now (30th March 2015 - 6 months later). 

ADJUSTMENT 1: My first adjustment was on the 24th November 2014 (exactly 8 weeks after getting braces on). Dr. Meissl changed both archwires for a slightly thicker one. 

ADJUSTMENT 2: This appointment took place on 19th January 2015, 8 weeks after my first adjustment. On this day Dr. Meissl changed both upper and lower archwires and we got a date for my surgery (29th April 2015). 

ADJUSTMENT 3: 19th February 2015 (5 weeks after second adjustment). I got a steel archwire placed on my upper jaw braces. This is the one used for the surgery, so that means no more upper jaw archwire change until my surgery. As for my lower jaw, no archwire change was made. He only tightened the lower jaw tie wires (the little wires around each bracket).

ADJUSTMENT 4: 26th of March 2015 (5 weeks after my third adjustment). Dr. Meissl was not happy with the way some of my lower teeth were placed. So, he changed the archwire back to the one I had previously on. It may look like a step back, but believe me, it is working! I can FEEL the difference! 

I am happy with the results so far. There were two teeth (the ones right after the canine tooth on my right lower side) that have moved a lot. I saw a huge improvement there as before the brackets were so close to one another that the assistant at the clinic wouldn’t managed to put a tie wire on both of them (one would have a tie wire and the other a rubber band). I even nicknamed them “The Kiss” (after the painting from Gustav Klimt)! She had a hard time with these two teeth! Now, thank God, not anymore! I have also notice that, as the teeth there moved a lot, I have got a gap between my lower right canine tooth and its neighbour. 

I will have a one last appointment before my surgery on the 22nd April 2015. Dr. Meissl will then place a steel archwire on my lower jaw braces and put my surgical hooks on.

By the way, I would like to thank Dr. Meissl’s assistant for taking those photos of my teeth. Thank you so much for you kindness! Every time I go there, she is really nice to me! Thank you again!

I hope you are all doing well! I wish you all a wonderful week! I will leave you now to see the "not my favorite" photos of me!



29th September 2014

22nd October 2014

3rd December 2014

26th January 2015

19th February 2015

23rd February 2015 - Profile photos

25th March 2015

26th March 2015

                                ohhhh, Sexy lady! hahahahahahah!

29th March 2015 - Gap between teeth

P.S. I hope you don't have nightmares after seeing these photos! :-)

Thursday 26 March 2015

Nutritionist and Homeopath appointments

Hi, everyone!

I am sorry I took so long to write this post. I have been struggling with migraine attacks and also with a strong cold. 

Anyways, I went to my nutritionist, Mag. Tina Gensthaler on the 9th February 2015.  We had a long talk and after patiently hearing all my complaints she told me to take the following vitamins and shake:


  • 1 pill of folic acid
  • 1 pill of multivitamin
  • 1 cup of the vanilla protein shake (blend 200 ml Milk + 1,5 table spoons of the shake - I also add some fruit to it, usually banana) after having breakfast.  


  • I always have a hot meal for lunch including vegetables, meet, pasta or rice. 
  • 1 cup of the vanilla protein shake (blend 200 ml Milk + 1,5 table spoons of the shake + banana) at the end of the meal.  


  • 1 pill of folic acid
  • 2 pills of magnesium
  • Another hot meal. (I like to have a soup accompanied by a nice piece of bread, followed usually by pasta). 


In between meals I try to have a snack and/or a fruit juice (I really dislike eating fruits, except for mango… so I try to make some nice juices from it). 

I am also to take twice a week Vitamin D in the morning.

Note: This protein shake is used for medical purposes. It is fabricated in Germany and it is supposed to be very good. It is also stated in the label to be taken before and after surgeries. I am not sure if it is sold internationally but if you don’t live in Germany or Austria and you are interested in purchasing it, you can contact my nutritionist, Mag. Tina Gensthaler ( Just mention my name/or blog and she will know what your request is about (No, I am again not being sponsored! Just genuinely trying to help!). I personally prefer this shake powder over those shakes sold at the gym because first, it is specifically made for medical purposes and secondly, I know I am getting a good product and getting my money's worth.

Mag. Gensthaler also does lymph drainage massage. She said, it would help to bring down the swelling on my face after the surgery but I need first to get a written authorisation from my surgeon. 

Now, let's write about my appointment with my homeopath, Dr. Daniela Cravos.

Like I said, I don’t like to get medicine or vitamins over the pharmacy counter because I don’t want to overdose anything. So I went to her clinic on the 11th of March 2015. We also had a talk that lasted almost a hour. She took notes of my medical history and made me hold this metal cylinder connected to a funny looking machine that would beep (either quietly or at a times, hysterically) every time she touched a "needle alike thing" on my finger. I truly have no clue how that machine works, but it somehow showed her what my body is in need of at the moment and what I will need to take in order to help recover from my surgery. 

  • Arnica montana D8
  • Cuprum metalicum D8
  • Belladonna D8
  • Tanacetum Vulg. D8
  • Iris Versicolor D8
  • Lithium Chloratum D8 aa ad 30ml

These homeopathic medicines were mixed together in a liquid solution. This will  definitely make easier for me to take it after the surgery. I started taking it immediately after I picked it up at the pharmacy and I am supposed to keep on taking it everyday for the next two months (10 drops mixed with water, once in the morning as soon as I wake up and once at night, right before going to bed). 

She also prescribed:

  • Arnica montana - DHU - D4 Globule 

I am supposed to take 10 little globules of it the night before my surgery and again after the surgery, 10 globules every day for 7 days. She said the globules melt in the mouth but I can always dissolve it in water and take it with the help of a syringe, if I prefer it. 

So, as you can imagine, I spend most of my time in the kitchen. So far I have not gained any weight because I have been sick for good 8 weeks but at least I have managed not to lose any further weight because of this cold, which for me is a pretty good achievement (when I am sick I tend to lose weight)

Now, if you are like me and struggle to put on weight, and if you are a homeopathic medicine believer too, I would sincerely advise you (if I may) to consult your own nutritionist and homeopath. Those homeopathic medicines and vitamins were selected according to my medical history. They will suit my needs but perhaps they will not be suitable to you. We are all different and our bodies have different needs. Your doctors will be the best people to tell you what your body is in need of, the right amount and the right kind of food you should eat or avoid, and, what kind of homeopathic medicines and vitamins you should take and the right dosage for you. If you live in Vienna and you don’t have yet a homeopath or a nutritionist of your own and you are interested in having a good one, I would HIGHLY recommend both Dr. Cravos and Mag. Tina Gensthaler. I will leave  a link to their contact details down below.

Especial Note: I know most people contact me via Facebook but please, feel free to leave comments or to ask questions here too. Your comments and questions can also be of help to me and to those reading this blog. Also, if this blog has been helpful to you, I kindly ask you to share its content on your social media network. Like so, you can help me reach other people in need of this kind of information. If you are a fellow jaw surgery blogger like me and you wish me to add your blog to my sidebar reading list, then please leave a comment with your blog's link, I  will be happy to follow your progress!

I sincerely thank you all with all my heart for taking the time to check out my blog and for all your good wishes! It means a lot to me! Thank you! :-)

Well, that's it for now. Today I had another orthodontic appointment and I will on the weekend write a post about the development of my treatment in the last months and post some more photos, including profile shots. 

Feel hugged by me! God bless you!


Dr. Daniela Cravos

Mag. Tina Gensthaler

Sunday 15 March 2015

List of questions to ask the surgeon before having jaw surgery

Hi, there! 

As promised here is the super long list of questions I am going to ask my surgeon. I most likely know the answer to most of the questions listed here but I still want to hear all answers directly from my surgeon. Like I said: my face, my bones, my life! No such thing as silly questions! 

Ready? I told you, it is loooonnnnggg! 

So, here it goes!

  1. What kind of procedure will be best for my case, BSSO (lower jaw surgery) or Double Jaw surgery (I have an overbite, gummy smile, midline don’t match)?
  2. What are the risks of having this surgery?
  3. How long does it take to fully recover from jaw surgery?
  4. I have a small septum deviation. Can this also be fixed during surgery (that in case of double jaw surgery)? 
  5. Will the Septoplasty be afforded by the health insurance or will I have to pay for it? How much will it cost?
  6. My teeth midline from upper and lower jaw do not match. Will this be fixed during surgery or after surgery by using elastic bands?
  7. How long will I be in the hospital for?
  8. What are the risks of getting an infection? How can I detect it?
  9. How much will my jaw(s) be moved (in mm)?
  10. How long, approximately, will the surgery take from start to finish?
  11. What are the chances of anaesthesia awareness occurring?
  12. How long will I stay in the recovery room?
  13. Do I have to stay in a ICU? If so, how long will I be staying in the Intensive Care Unit?
  14. Will there be any external scarring?
  15. Will I have to be wired shut? 
  16. If so, how long do I need to be wired shut for?
  17. Do I have to wear a splint? 
  18. If so, when will the splint come out?
  19. What are the chances of feeling nausea following surgery?
  20. What If I am wired shut and I feel sick (vomit)? 
  21. Will I be drooling excessively? 
  22. If so, when shall I expect the drooling to stop?
  23. What are the chances of me chocking on my own saliva?
  24. How often one experience pain after surgery? 
  25. In case I experience pain after surgery, when shall I expect to be pain free (how many weeks approximately)?
  26. Which kind of medication will I have to take after surgery?
  27. What are the most common side effects of Morphine?
  28. Will this surgery affect my joints and nerves? 
  29. Are all the nerves regenerating sensory nerves? Is there a risk of paralysis or lopsided smile? 
  30. Will I experience numbness after surgery?
  31. Will I get all of my feeling back after jaw surgery?
  32. When do I know if the numbness is permanent (Will I lose the feeling in my lower lip forever?)?
  33. How long shall I expect to be swollen for?
  34. Will ice packs help bringing the swelling down? 
  35. Is bruising down the neck, arm and chest normal after jaw surgery?
  36. How long approximately will it take until all the bruising disappears?
  37. Will I be congested and have difficulty to breathe after jaw surgery? 
  38. Will the use of nasal strips (to open up the airway) be helpful or is this unnecessary?
  39. Will the use of a humidifier be helpful?
  40. Is it common to experience bleeding from the nose after double jaw surgery? 
  41. If that happens to me, how can I make the bleeding stop?
  42. How can I clean the blood that dried out inside my nose? And how often shall I do that?
  43. Will my airway get wider after jaw surgery?
  44. What will my diet be following jaw surgery?
  45. How much weight shall I expect to lose?
  46. How can I clean my mouth and teeth after the surgery?
  47. I suffer from bruxism. What can happen if I keep on grinding my teeth after surgery?
  48. Will the plates and screws be permanently left in?
  49. What will happen if I am allergic to the titanium plates?
  50. Are there any long term issues following surgery as for instance; sinus infections, pain caused by the plates, sensitive or weak teeth, excessive bone growth, teeth changing colour?
  51. What shall I bring to the hospital?
  52. How long after surgery can I return to school/uni/work?
  53. When will my first post-op appointment take place?
  54. What shall I expect from my post-op appointments?
  55. Can homeopathic medicine help with recovery? 
  56. Shall I increase my iron intake after surgery?
  57. Can lymphatic drainage massage and acupuncture help with recovery?
  58. Realistically, what shall I expect after the surgery, in terms of jaw function and appearance (will it change drastically? Will I look (too) different after surgery?)?
  59. Will my nose get wider?
  60. Will my lips get thinner or change shape?
  61. My lower jaw is asymmetric. Can this be fixed during surgery (even though this isn't a cosmetic surgery)? 
  62. Will I have an open bite after jaw surgery?
  63. When will my jaw move and fully open normally again? 
  64. What if I experience noises and clicking of my jaw joints? Is that normal?
  65. How long after surgery will I have to wear braces for?
  66. Can I have my surgeon’s telephone number and email address (in case of an emergency)? 
  67. What if I sneeze or cough? Will it be painful?
  68. Will my lips be dry and crack? What shall I use to prevent this?
  69. Is it necessary to buy long cotton swabs?
  70. When will “toilet visits” go back to normal?
  71. When can I go back to Pilates class?
  72. When is it safe to travel again (by car/train/plane)?
  73. When can I work out at the gym again? 
  74. What kind of exercises are allowed at the beginning?
  75. When is it safe to go back to my normal work out routine?
  76. When is it allowed to frequent the sauna again?
  77. Part of my recovery will take place during summer time. When is it safe to lay in the sun and burn myself till I look like a tomato?
  78. When am I allowed to go back swimming again?
  79. I am a cosmetic lover. When is it safe to wear make up? 
  80. When is it safe to use my beloved Clarisonic machine?
  81. When will I be allowed to drink alcohol again?
  82. When is it safe to go out at night clubbing?
  83. Last but not least, the questions I don’t feel comfortable asking, nor writing about but  I know a lot of people would love to know the answer: When is kissing and when is oral sex safe, after having a jaw surgery?

So, that's it! I hope this will be helpful to anybody having jaw surgery. 

I wish you all a wonderful Sunday! 

“Um super Abraço” (Translating: A huge hug)!!


Note: I will update this post after my appointment with my surgeon on the 23rd of April.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

How I am preparing myself for my jaw surgery

Hi, Everybody!

I read and still am reading a lot about jaw surgery: what to expect from it, before and after surgery. Now that I  “know” what it is coming to me, I “kind of know” how to prepare myself for it too. In my case, this feels like a military operation because I have other people involved: my children! (everything needs to be planned beforehand, it must be well organised and it is not allowed to fail!). My goal is to heal as soon as possible, so I can be 100% again for my family and be able to take care of them!

So, let me tell you in steps how am I preparing myself for this surgery:

STEP ONE: Exercising. I believe it is important to find an activity that brings fun into your life! To make you forget, even if it is for one hour, all the problems you have. I am a big Pilates fan! It not only helps me to get fit physically but mentally too! And, I adore my Pilates trainer, Kirsten! She really pays attention whether or not I am doing the exercises in the correct way and kicks my backside whenever I start getting lazy! If you live in Vienna, and you are looking for a very good Pilates Studio and an even better Pilates trainer, I HIGHLY recommend Kirsten’s Studio! Here is a link to her website:

STEP TWO:  Exercise again. This time around, at the gym. I realise I feel hungrier when I work out, and in my case, this is a very good thing! I have been lucky to have another very good trainer at the gym! I have this entire set of exercises planned for me, to help me put on weight in muscles. As I lose 5kg whenever I as much as sneeze, he advised me to skip cardio exercises. Lately, due to holidays, sickness (in winter we are constantly getting sick) and migraine attacks, I haven’t managed to go there, but I hope to attend the gym again by the end of the week! 

STEP THREE: I have heard, over and over again, that homeopathic medicines can be very helpful during the recovery process. As I am not a fan of getting medicine over the counter, I found better to consult my homeopath before taking anything. I have an appointment scheduled for the 11th of March (I will keep you updated on that!). She will tell me then, which of the homeopathic medicines will best help me to heal, when I should start taking it, how long I should take it for and also the right dosage for me. Like somebody once told me; “why not try it, if can only help and not hurt?”. I also heard the medicine can be prepared in a liquid form to make it easier to take it, in case you are wired shut after having jaw surgery.  

STEP FOUR: I am definitely contacting my nutritionist again to make a new appointment. For those of you who don’t know me personally, I am VERY skinny and tall (1.80 m and 57 Kg - Not by choice though! I would love to have some extra meat and a real Brazilian behind!). I have always been this skinny… My entire life I had the opposite problem of everybody else I know: extreme difficulty to put on weight. So, together with Kirsten and my gym instructor, my nutritionist has this impossible task of making me gain at least 100 grams until the day of my surgery!!  

STEP FIVE: I am trying to be as positive as I can about all of this. I watch funny videos and I avoid anything that is remotely sad or negative. I avoid people who are negative, people who can only show me criticism and scepticism and don’t know how to give a word of support or comfort. I also avoid those who keep on telling me that I am too skinny. For those people I feel like saying: "Thanks a lot! But just for your information, this is not going to make me any fatter and I have a mirror at home!"... 

STEP SIX: I am teaching myself that being helped by other people is not a sign of failure on my part. Help is always a good thing to have, especially if it is offered with sincerity and love. I am the type of person that wants to do everything alone. I find it very hard to accept that I cannot, all the time, do everything to perfection and all by myself (Do I, by any chance, suffer from “Stepford wives syndrome”?). Because I have children, I will need all the help I can get. I am very thankful I have wonderful people to help me take care of my little angels!

STEP SEVEN: I am a member of this wonderful community on Facebook called:  “We Need/Got Jaw Surgery”. It is amazing how much you can relate to the people in this group. They are kind people and most importantly, they are going through the same thing as you, same fears, same doubts, same excitement. Whatever questions you have, you can ask them and you will get so much feedback, answers and support back. If you are a jaw surgery candidate, I highly recommend subscribing to this group. 

STEP EIGHT: I have prepared a huge list of questions to ask my surgeon when we have our appointment before surgery. My list of question is reeeeeeeeaaaaaally looooonnnggggg, but I want to make sure I get out of that office without any doubts or unanswered questions. At the end of the day, we are talking about my face, my bones, my life! No such thing as silly questions!

STEP NINE: I am planning in advance how I am going to entertain myself during my recovery process. What I will cook - I am searching for some yummy recipes (according to what is allowed by my surgeon), I bought some books, movies and, if this is not enough, I will assemble all the lego of my children. My son is so happy about it! He cannot believe I promised him that! :-D We spent the last days sorting all the pieces by colours and we have searched for all the manuals. We also cleared a shelf so we can make our little private Lego exhibition! :-)

STEP TEN:  Writing this blog has been serving me as a therapy. If you love writing, and have a little extra time maybe this can also be something for you. It gives me so much joy to see how much I can help other people just by telling them, in words, my journey! It is an amazing feeling and a great reward! 

So, that is all for the moment. I will post soon my long “List of questions to ask surgeon before surgery”. I hope you are all doing well! Wish you a wonderful day!

